
Sentiment Analysis Web App

Technologies: AWS Sagemaker AWS Lambda Amazon API Gateway LSTM Scikit-learn NLP PyTorch This was one of my projects during my Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree. I trained a LSTM model which would classify movie reviews as negativw or positive reviews. The model was created and trained in AWS SageMaker, and then...

Stock price prediction LSTM

Technologies: AWS Sagemaker Pytorch LSTM Pandas Numpy As my capstone project for my Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree at udacity, I used AWS sagemaker to create two machine learning models. The first one was a regression model which aimed to predict future prices of a brazilian stock (WEGE3). The second was...

Flare monitor PoC

Technologies: Python; Deep Learning; Transfer Learning; MATLAB; Keras; imageai; opencv I've recently developed a PoC for a big O&G company in order to address a common issue in offshore oil rigs. Gas flares are equipment that burn natural gas when a processing unit is not capable of processing all the...


Technologies C#; VBScript FBD (Functional Block Diagram); COMOS and TIA Portal are two softwares sold by Siemens: COMOS COMOS is a plant engineering software from Siemens. The applications for this software are in the process industries for the engineering, operation, and maintenance of process plants as well as their asset...


Technologies Python; Django; CSS; HTML; Javascript; VB.NET; This was the last prototype I worked on while in Tubanharon. The goal was to port the ExtraOil software we had previously developed into a web environment. The main challenge in this project was to transform the ExtraOil software into something that could...


Technologies Python; Django; Bootstrap JavaScript HTML CSS PostgreSQL OxyFree was a prototype of a process simulator I developed for a client in the steel industry. This was my first (and the company's) contact with web-development, so it required a lot of self-learning and being able to look for solutions on...


Technologies: Excel; VBA; VB.NET; ExtraOil is a process simulation software developed by Tubanharon. It is aimed at the vegetable oil industry and helps engineers in crushing plants take decisions in process parameters. I helped test and debug it, as well as develop some new functions for it. ExtraOil's main screen...

Experimental bench automation + computer vision algorithm

Technologies: Python; Computer vision; Arduino; LabVIEW; git; MATLAB; At the lab I worked in during college we had this really cool experimental bench with water pumps, valves, an air diffuser, flow meters, cameras and LASERS: Schematic of the experimental bench My work was to automate it! So the guys teached...