
Senior Data Scientist
Radix Engenharia & Software, Senior Data Scientist
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (remote) | July, 2023 - December, 2023

Data Science Consultant
Bix Tech, Data Science Consultant
Florianópolis, Brazil | December, 2022 - July, 2023

Undergraduate researcher
| June, 2016 - June, 2017

This is where I really started programming!
The guys at this lab were doing some research in multiphase flows for Petrobras (yes, they were smart), and I was there to help.
My job was to help automate the experimental bench and help develop a computer vision technique to measure multiphase flows.
Related skills:
Python, Arduino, LabVIEW, MATLAB, Arduino, git

  • Experimental bench automation + computer vision algorithm
Tubanharon Process Engineering, Intern
Florianópolis, SC, Brazil | July, 2017 - July, 2018

Tubanharon is a startup that whose focus is developing Chemical Engineering software.
Here I had the chance to assist in the development of a process simulator for the vegetable oil industry (see ExtraOil) based on Excel and VB.NET.
I also developed a prototype of another process simulator, this time for the steel industry (see OxyFree). This prototype was web-based and I made it using Python (Django). It took a lot of effort and self-learning, but I had a lot of fun doing it!

(Non-tech stuff:)
Tubanharon also does industrial design. I had the chance to work in the design of an aloe vera processing plant. Skills: Python, Django, Numpy, VB.NET, Excel, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • ExtraOil.Web
  • OxyFree
  • ExtraOil
Process Engineering Specialist
GreyLogix Brasil, Process Engineering Specialist
FLorianópolis, SC, Brazil | August, 2018 - October, 2022

GreyLogix used to be an Industrial Automation company, but today it really is an Industrial Engineering company, doing everything from process/plant design, to industrial data analysis.
When one of my bosses at Tubanharon left the company in order to develop a Chemical Process Engineering department at GreyLogix, he invited me to join him in this new adventure.
Here I did a lot (and I mean a lot!!!) of different things, from plant design, to explosion risk assessments, to field services, and even helped develop a mechanical ventilator to fight the COVID pandemic.
However, the projects I loved the most had one thing in common: they all involved programming. I'll describe some of them below.

COMOS-TIA Portal Integration
COMOS and TIA Portal are two softwares sold by Siemens. They hired us to develop a COMOS plugin that made it exchange data with TIA Portal. This was done with C# and VBScript.
Flame detector
This was a PoC I developed for a O&G client. It detects whether a gas flaring system is lit or not, using a camera and RNN's. This was done using Python (TensorFlow) and MATLAB.
COMOS Administration
COMOS is an object-oriented database for industrial engineering. I am one of the admins of this system for GreyLogix.
Digital twins
Digital twins are digital representations of plants, which aim to rigorously predict the behavior of the plant under different conditions, or even to train plant operators. We develop digital twins using MATLAB, Simulink, and Simscape
Scripting, lots of scripting
I have written innumerable scripts to automate or at least facilitate mine and my colleague's works. These scripts are usually running inside COMOS and are written in VBScript

You see, the activities listed above are not the main focus of my work as a Chemical Engineering Specialist. But these projects definitely are the ones I loved the most. This is why I now want to make a shift into the technology industry and make tech my everyday.

  • Flare monitor PoC
  • COMOS-TIA Plugin
Data Analyst / Python developer
GreyLogix Brasil, Data Analyst
Florianópolis, SC, Brazil | October, 2022 - January, 1970

So here's my situation: I want to leave GreyLogix and get a job in tech, more specifically in Data Science or Python Development.
My superiors know it. I've talked to them. They support me.
I asked if I could work half-time because I need time to job-search, and that's what I'm doing.
GreyLogix does have a Data Science department, but it's super new and no one there is really an expert - I know it, they know it - and that's why I didn't ask to internally move to this department. I want to learn from experts!
My bosses are super cool though and moved me to this department anyways so I can get at least some experience in the field! The department was in need of new people and the experience might help me get a job! We all win.
So what am I doing at GreyLogix now?
I'm learning. I'm learning Dash, plotly, Google Cloud Platform, node-red...It's all very recent though, when I have more detail about the projects I'm in I might update this section!

  • Learning Dash!